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What is


& Entropian?

Entropian & Ectropian
Entropian & Ectropian

A condition in which the eyelid especially the lower lid turns inward caused friction with eyelashes and skin is called Entropian. Ectropian in when the eyelid turns outward. This is a very uncomfortable condition and is generally seen in older patients and is related to the aging process. If the problem persists then, it can lead to other problems such as cornea damage, eye infections and loss of vision.

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Symptoms that you may have the Ectropian and Entropian can include:

  • 1. Irritation as if a foreign particle has entered the eye.
  • 2. Eyes become red.
  • 3. There is eye pain.
  • 4. Eye becomes sensitive to wind and light.
  • 5. Eyes may water continuously.
  • 6. You may notice a discharge of mucous and crusting.
  • 7. Tumors or cancerous growth.

Although this condition may occur intermittently following certain activity such as blinking, however, you must not delay treatment, when an experienced ophthalmologist has examined you and diagnosed entropion or ectropian, along with the following symptoms:

  • 1. Increasing redness in the eyes.
  • 2. There is pain and eyes are extremely sensitive to light.
  • 3. Rapidly diminishing vision.

This could mean that the condition has progressed and an injured cornea therefore, immediate medical attention have to be sought. Use of artificial tears and eye-lubricating ointments are needed to protect your eye before your appointment.


Several factors can lead to Entropion or Ectropian.
  • With advancing age, the muscles under the eyes tend to weaken leading to Entropion and Ectropian.
  • People who have scars caused by burns, trauma or surgery, can face such issues post these type of episodes.
  • Commonly seen eye infections called trachoma can cause Entropion and complete loss of vision.
  • If your eye is irrigated by dryness or inflammation, rubbing to get relief can lead to bigger problems in the eyelid muscles and curving of lid inward against the cornea also called spastic Entropion. When the lower lid turns outward, it affects the draining of tears it can cause Ectropian.
  • People can be born with Entropion or Ectropian.


People at high risks for developing these conditions include those belonging to higher age groups, have suffered a burn or facial injury or those who have had trachoma infections as these conditions can scar the inner eyelids. Serious complications of both these conditions include corneal injury that can also lead to blindness.

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Treatment for Ectropian and Entropian

In both these eye disorders, surgery is necessary. Surgery can be done either by staying in hospital or under local anesthetics as outpatient. The surgeon corrects the problems by removing part of the affected eyelid which usually resolves the problem. Depending on the reasons for the condition, more than one surgery may be needed for best results. The doctor may ask you to wear an eye patch after surgery till the eye has healed. Ointments and antibiotics may be prescribed and patients can find relief within few weeks.